Shooting for the Moon

Shooting for the Moon is a beautiful song that encourages oneself to go bold and go big. Check out this song on SoundCloud.

I Feel This Way

This song is about how you feel for a person who you’re in love with but in a bitter way. Check this song out on SoundCloud.


Forevermore is a track that describes a feeling between two souls that could be yearning for each other through distance and space. This track got good beats and rhythms. You can check out this track on SoundCloud.

Take a Hike

Sometimes, you just have to tell the one you had loved so much to take a hike since the relationship is no longer working.  Check out this track on SoundCloud.


Dangerous Game

Sometimes, you got to go with the flow and up your game.  Check this song out on SoundCloud.


I Know What You Want

Sometimes, you know what your partner wants, but you just won’t give in — this song is about this whole situation!  Check this song out on SoundCloud.


I Cannot Fly You to the Moon

A groovy indie dance slash pop vibe track which describes a sour relationship.  Check out this song on SoundCloud.


Can You Forgive Yourself?

Sometimes, something is dearest to our heart isn’t being valued by us at all until we lose it for good.  This rap song is about such a thing!  Check this song out on SoundCloud.


A Rock and A Hard Place

Sometimes, a relationship can go so wrong, but yet you still want to make it work. This song is all about understanding your partner.  Check out this song on SoundCloud.
